Constants for the Java class names of the embedded JDBC drivers.
To use another JDBC driver, add it to extra_jars
Storing user content in Google BigQuery:
>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from atoti_jdbc import UserContentStorageConfig
>>> user_content_storage_config = UserContentStorageConfig(
... "jdbc:bigquery://;ProjectId=PROJECT_ID;OAuthType=0;OAuthServiceAcctEmail=EMAIL_OF_SERVICEACCOUNT;OAuthPvtKeyPath=path/to/json/keys;",
... driver="com.simba.googlebigquery.jdbc42.Driver",
... )
>>> session_config = tt.SessionConfig(
... extra_jars=Path("odbc_jdbc_drivers").glob("*.jar"),
... user_content_storage=user_content_storage_config,
... )
- atoti_jdbc.driver.H2_DRIVER = 'org.h2.Driver'#
H2 driver class name.
- atoti_jdbc.driver.IBM_DB2_DRIVER = ''#
IBM Db2 driver class name.
- atoti_jdbc.driver.MARIADB_DRIVER = 'org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver'#
MariaDB driver class name.
- atoti_jdbc.driver.MSSQL_DRIVER = ''#
Microsoft SQL Server driver class name.
- atoti_jdbc.driver.MYSQL_DRIVER = 'com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver'#
MySQL driver class name.
- atoti_jdbc.driver.ORACLE_DRIVER = 'oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver'#
Oracle driver class name.
- atoti_jdbc.driver.POSTGRESQL_DRIVER = 'org.postgresql.Driver'#
PostgreSQL driver class name.