
final class atoti_directquery_redshift.ConnectionConfig#

Config to connect to a Redshift database.


>>> import os
>>> from atoti_directquery_redshift import ConnectionConfig
>>> connection_config = ConnectionConfig(
...     url="jdbc:redshift://"
...     + os.environ["REDSHIFT_ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER"]
...     + ""
...     + os.environ["REDSHIFT_USERNAME"]
...     + "&schema=test_resources",
...     password=os.environ["REDSHIFT_PASSWORD"],
... )
>>> external_database = session.connect_to_external_database(connection_config)
auto_multi_column_array_conversion: AutoMultiColumnArrayConversion | None = None#

When not None, multi-column array conversion will be performed automatically.

cache: bool = True#

Whether to look for query results in the external database query cache.

column_clustered_queries: 'all' | 'feeding' = 'feeding'#

Control which queries will use clustering columns.

connection_pool_size: int = 450#

The maximum size that the pool is allowed to reach, including both idle and in-use connections.

When the pool reaches this size, and no idle connections are available, the creation of new connections will block.

feeding_query_timeout: Duration = datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600)#

Timeout for queries performed on the external database during feeding phases.

The feeding phases are:

lookup_mode: 'allow' | 'warn' | 'deny' = 'warn'#

Whether lookup queries on the external database are allowed.

Lookup can be very slow and expensive as the database may not enforce primary keys.

max_sub_queries: Annotated[int, Field(gt=0)] = 500#

Maximum number of sub queries performed when splitting a query into multi-step queries.

password: str | None = None#

The password to connect to the database.

Passing it in this separate attribute prevents it from being logged alongside the connection string.

If None, a password is expected to be present in url.

query_timeout: Duration = datetime.timedelta(seconds=300)#

Timeout for queries performed on the external database outside feeding phases.

url: str#

The JDBC connection string.