, coordinates, /)#

Return a measure equal to the passed measure at some other coordinates of the cube.

  • measure (VariableMeasureConvertible) – The measure to take at other coordinates.

  • coordinates (Condition[LevelIdentifier, Literal['eq'], Constant | LevelIdentifier, Literal['and'] | None]) – The condition specifying the coordinates at which to fetch the measure’s value. It can only be a condition made of an equality test of a level with a single value or a combination of such conditions.

Return type:



>>> df = pd.DataFrame(
...     columns=[
...         "Country",
...         "City",
...         "Target Country",
...         "Target City",
...         "Quantity",
...     ],
...     data=[
...         ("Germany", "Berlin", "UK", "London", 15),
...         ("UK", "London", "Germany", "Berlin", 24),
...         ("USA", "New York", "UK", "London", 10),
...         ("USA", "New York", "France", "Paris", 3),
...         ("USA", "Seattle", "Germany", "Berlin", 3),
...     ],
... )
>>> table = session.read_pandas(df, table_name="At")
>>> cube = session.create_cube(table, mode="manual")
>>> h, l, m = cube.hierarchies, cube.levels, cube.measures
>>> h["Geography"] = [table["Country"], table["City"]]
>>> h["Target Geography"] = [
...     table["Target Country"],
...     table["Target City"],
... ]
>>> m["Quantity.SUM"] = tt.agg.sum(table["Quantity"])
>>> # Using a constant matching an existing member of the level:
>>> m["USA quantity"] =["Quantity.SUM"], l["Country"] == "USA")
>>> cube.query(
...     m["Quantity.SUM"],
...     m["USA quantity"],
...     levels=[l["Country"]],
... )
        Quantity.SUM USA quantity
Germany           15           16
UK                24           16
USA               16           16
>>> # Using another level whose current member the level on the left of the condition will be shifted to:
>>> m["Target quantity"] =
...     m["Quantity.SUM"],
...     (l["Country"] == l["Target Country"]) & (l["City"] == l["Target City"]),
... )
>>> cube.query(
...     m["Quantity.SUM"],
...     m["Target quantity"],
...     levels=[l["City"], l["Target City"]],
... )
                                            Quantity.SUM Target quantity
Country City     Target Country Target City
Germany Berlin   UK             London                15              24
UK      London   Germany        Berlin                24              15
USA     New York France         Paris                  3
                 UK             London                10              24
        Seattle  Germany        Berlin                 3              15

Note that if the level on the right is not expressed, the shifting will not occur.