atoti.array.n_lowest_indices module#

atoti.array.n_lowest_indices(measure, /, n)#

Return an array measure containing the indices of the n lowest elements of the passed array measure.


>>> pnl_table = session.read_csv(
...     f"{RESOURCES}/pnl.csv",
...     array_separator=";",
...     keys=["Continent", "Country"],
...     table_name="PnL",
... )
>>> cube = session.create_cube(pnl_table)
>>> l, m = cube.levels, cube.measures
>>> m["Bottom 3 indices"] = tt.array.n_lowest_indices(m["PnL.SUM"], n=3)
>>> cube.query(m["PnL.SUM"], m["Bottom 3 indices"])
                          PnL.SUM      Bottom 3 indices
0  doubleVector[10]{-20.163, ...}  intVector[3]{2, ...}
Return type
