
1. Requirements

These requirements must be satisfied before moving to the next steps:

  • Python >= 3.7

  • JDK >= 11

  • Node.js >= 10

  • JupyterLab >= 2.1 (can be installed with pip install jupyterlab>=2.1)

2. Install atoti

pip install atoti

3. Install the extension

Install the atoti extension for JupyterLab. This requires to rebuild JupyterLab which can take several minutes.

Linux / macOS

NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=4096 jupyter labextension install @atoti/jupyterlab-extension


set NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=4096 & jupyter labextension install @atoti/jupyterlab-extension

4. Install optional libraries

These are not required to use atoti but some features will not be available without them:



Atoti+ is our enterprise edition, it requires a license.

Ensure all the requirements are met and then install Atoti+ with the following command replacing {{username}} and {{password}} with your credentials (contact support@atoti.io if you don’t have any):

pip install atoti-plus --extra-index-url https://{{username}}:{{password}}@pypi.atoti.io/simple

Finally, follow steps 3. Install the extension and 4. Install optional libraries.