
atoti distributes an official image on DockerHub. It contains the atoti library and its JupyterLab extension ready to use.


Pull the image:

docker pull atoti/atoti

Create a volume where the data (notebooks, files..) can be persisted when the docker is stopped:

docker volume create atoti-volume

Run the docker using the created volume:

docker run --publish 8888:8888 --volume atoti-volume:/home/jovyan/work atoti/atoti

Jupyter will print the URL of the application with a security token, such as http://localhost:8888?token=XXXXX. On a distant machine use http://<DOCKER-MACHINE-IP>:8888?token=XXXXX.


Expose on another port

The application can be displayed on another port than 8888 by changing the port in the publish mapping (--publish XXXX:8888) and setting the PORT environment variable to the port value.

docker run --publish 9999:8888 --volume atoti-volume:/home/jovyan/work --env PORT=9999 atoti/atoti

Build custom image

It is also possible to build custom Docker images with atoti. One good starting point is this Dockerfile used to build the official image.