
atoti.mapping_lookup(*, check)#

Create a context customizing the behavior of Mapping lookups.

The mappings affected by this context are:


check (bool) –

  • If True, passing a key that does have a corresponding value in the mapping will raise a KeyError. This is the default behavior outside of this context.

  • If False, keys will not be checked, saving a roundtrip with the server.

    This mode is less safe since incorrect keys will not be caught immediately. Besides, the errors that will be raised down the chain may have less explicit messages.

    The main use cases for this mode are:

    • To get a reference to an object before it is actually defined in the data model. For instance, it can be used to define restrictions before the tables are created.

    • To improve performance when defining the data model or inside a data_transaction() by reducing roundtrips to the server when the looked up keys are known to be correct. This is especially impactful when using atoti.Session.connect() with a remote url since latency will not be negligible. __debug__ is a good argument to pass for this use case since it will most likely be True during prototyping and testing where good developer experience is important and False in production where performance matters more.

    In this mode, keys must be unambiguous:

    • For Levels, this means that the syntax l[level_name] cannot be used since multiple dimensions or hierarchies could have a level named level_name and the server cannot be used to ensure unicity and to return the corresponding dimension and hierarchy names. For the same reason, l[hierarchy_name, level_name] cannot be used either. Only l[dimension_name, hierarchy_name, level_name] is accepted.

    • For Hierarchies, only h[dimension_name, hierarchy_name] is accepted.

Return type:

Generator[_Report, None, None]


>>> table = session.create_table(
...     "Example",
...     data_types={
...         "Continent": "String",
...         "Country": "String",
...         "Population": "int",
...     },
...     keys={"Continent", "Country"},
... )
>>> cube = session.create_cube(table)
>>> l, m = cube.levels, cube.measures

Lookups are checked by default:

>>> l["Country"].name  # This level exists
>>> l["City"].name  # This level does not exist
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 'City'

Unchecked lookups require unambiguous keys:

>>> with tt.mapping_lookup(check=False):
...     l["Example", "Country", "Country"].name
>>> with tt.mapping_lookup(check=False):
...     l["Country", "Country"].name
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Cannot use ambiguous key `('Country', 'Country')` when mapping lookup is unchecked. Pass a `(str, str, str)` instead.
>>> with tt.mapping_lookup(check=False):
...     l["Country"].name
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Cannot use ambiguous key `Country` when mapping lookup is unchecked. Pass a `(str, str, str)` instead.

What is won in performance is lost in safety since incorrect keys will go unnoticed:

>>> with tt.mapping_lookup(check=False):
...     city_level = l["Example", "City", "City"]  # This level does not exist
...     city_level.dimension, city_level.hierarchy,
('Example', 'City', 'City')

Unchecked lookup results can be used to construct objects that do not require a request to the server such as conditions:

>>> city_level == "Rome"
l['Example', 'City', 'City'] == 'Rome'
>>> city_level.isin("Barcelona", "Paris")
l['Example', 'City', 'City'].isin('Barcelona', 'Paris')

But accessing a property that does require a request to the server will raise an error:

>>> city_level.order  
Traceback (most recent call last):
py4j.protocol.Py4JJavaError: An error occurred ...

Neither iteration nor the in operator are impacted by this context:

>>> with tt.mapping_lookup(check=False):
...     sorted(l)
[('Example', 'Continent', 'Continent'), ('Example', 'Country', 'Country')]
>>> with tt.mapping_lookup(check=False):
...     "Continent" in l, "Country" in l, "City" in l
(True, True, False)

This context can be nested. Nesting can be used inside functions to defensively force the mode they need regardless of the outer context:

>>> def _get_level_or_raise_error(cube, level_name):
...     with tt.mapping_lookup(check=True):
...         # Ambiguous keys only work with checked lookups.
...         return cube.levels[level_name]
>>> with tt.mapping_lookup(check=False):
...     _get_level_or_raise_error(cube, "Country").name

Unchecked lookups can be chained:

>>> with tt.mapping_lookup(check=False):
...     session.tables["Unexisting table"]["Unexisting column"] == 0
t['Unexisting table']['Unexisting column'] == 0

When check is True, the context’s target reports, per Mapping class, how many lookups occurred and how long they took. The sum of these metrics is added under the None key once the context exits. This report can be used to decide if migrating to unchecked lookups is worth it:

>>> from atoti.levels import Levels
>>> from atoti.measures import Measures
>>> with tt.mapping_lookup(check=True) as report:
...     _ = l["Continent"]
...     assert report.counts[Levels] == 1
...     first_duration = report.durations[Levels]
...     _ = l["Country"]
...     assert report.counts[Levels] == 2
...     assert report.durations[Levels] > first_duration
...     _ = m["Population.SUM"]
>>> {**report.counts}
{<class 'atoti.levels.Levels'>: 2, <class 'atoti.measures.Measures'>: 1, None: 3}
>>> report.durations[None] == report.durations[Levels] + report.durations[
...     Measures
... ]