atoti.scope.cumulative module

atoti.scope.cumulative(level, *, dense=False, partitioning=None, window=None)

Create a scope to be used in the computation of cumulative aggregations.

Cumulative aggregations include cumulative sums (also called running sum or prefix sum), mean, min, max, etc.

  • level (Level) – The level along which the aggregation is performed.

  • dense (bool) – When True, all members of the level, even those with no value for the underlying measure, will be taken into account for the cumulative aggregation (resulting in repeating values).

  • partitioning (Optional[Level]) – The levels in the hierarchy at which to start the aggregation over.

  • window (Union[range, Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]], None]) –

    The custom aggregation window. The window defines the set of members before and after a given member (using the level order) to be considered in the computation of the cumulative aggregation.

    The window can be a:

    • range starting with a <=0 value and ending with a >=0 value.

      By default the window is range(-∞, 0), meaning that the value for a given member is computed using all of the members before it and none after it.

      For instance, to compute the sliding mean on the 5 previous members of a level:

      m2 = atoti.agg.mean(m1, scope=tt.scope.cumulative(l["date"], window=range(-5, 0)))
    • time period as a two-element tuple starting with an offset of the form -xxDxxWxxMxxQxxY or None and ending with an offset of the form xxDxxWxxMxxQxxY or None.

      For instance, to compute the 5 previous days sliding mean:

      m2 = atoti.agg.mean(m1, scope=tt.scope.cumulative(l["date"], window=("-5D", None)))


>>> df = pd.DataFrame(
...     columns=["Year", "Month", "Day", "Quantity"],
...     data=[
...         (2019, 7, 1, 15),
...         (2019, 7, 2, 20),
...         (2019, 6, 1, 25),
...         (2019, 6, 2, 15),
...         (2018, 7, 1, 5),
...         (2018, 7, 2, 10),
...         (2018, 6, 1, 15),
...         (2018, 6, 2, 5),
...     ],
... )
>>> table = session.read_pandas(df, table_name="Cumulative")
>>> cube = session.create_cube(table)
>>> h, l, m = cube.hierarchies, cube.levels, cube.measures
>>> h["Date"] = [table["Year"], table["Month"], table["Day"]]
>>> m["Quantity.SUM"] = tt.agg.sum(table["Quantity"])
>>> m["Cumulative quantity"] = tt.agg.sum(
...     m["Quantity.SUM"], scope=tt.scope.cumulative(l["Day"])
... )
>>> m["Cumulative quantity partitioned by month"] = tt.agg.sum(
...     m["Quantity.SUM"],
...     scope=tt.scope.cumulative(l["Day"], partitioning=l["Month"]),
... )
>>> cube.query(
...     m["Quantity.SUM"],
...     m["Cumulative quantity"],
...     m["Cumulative quantity partitioned by month"],
...     levels=[l["Day"]],
...     include_totals=True,
... )
                Quantity.SUM Cumulative quantity Cumulative quantity partitioned by month
Year  Month Day
Total                    110                 110
2018                      35                  35
      6                   20                  20                                       20
            1             15                  15                                       15
            2              5                  20                                       20
      7                   15                  35                                       15
            1              5                  25                                        5
            2             10                  35                                       15
2019                      75                 110
      6                   40                  75                                       40
            1             25                  60                                       25
            2             15                  75                                       40
      7                   35                 110                                       35
            1             15                  90                                       15
            2             20                 110                                       35
Return type
