atoti.config.authentication.ldap_config module

class atoti.LdapConfig

The configuration to connect to an LDAP authentication provider.

The user’s roles are defined using LdapSecurity.


>>> auth_config = tt.LdapConfig(
...     url="ldap://",
...     base_dn="dc=example,dc=com",
...     user_search_base="ou=people",
...     group_search_base="ou=roles",
... )
base_dn: str

The Base Distinguished Name of the directory service.

group_role_attribute_name: str = 'cn'

The attribute name that maps a group to a role.

group_search_base: str = ''

The search base for group membership searches.

group_search_filter: str = '(uniqueMember={0})'

The LDAP filter to search for groups.

The substituted parameter is the DN of the user.

role_mapping: Optional[Mapping[str, Iterable[str]]] = None

The mapping between the roles returned by the LDAP authentication provider and the corresponding roles to use in atoti.

LDAP roles are case insensitive.

Users without the role ROLE_USER will not have access to the application.


This configuration option is deprecated. Use instead.

url: str

The LDAP URL including the protocol and port.

user_search_base: str = ''

Search base for user searches.

user_search_filter: str = '(uid={0})'

The LDAP filter used to search for users.

The substituted parameter is the user’s login name.