atoti.agg.var module

atoti.agg.var(operand, *, mode='sample', scope=None)

Return a measure equal to the variance of the passed measure across the specified scope.

  • measure – The measure to get the variance of.

  • mode (Literal[‘sample’, ‘population’]) –

    One of the supported modes:

    • The sample variance, similar to Excel’s VAR.S, is \(\frac{\sum_{i=0}^{n} (X_i - m)^{2}}{n - 1}\) where m is the sample mean and n the size of the sample. Use this mode if the data represents a sample of the population.

    • The population variance, similar to Excel’s VAR.P is \(\frac{\sum_{i=0}^{n}(X_i - m)^{2}}{n}\) where m is the mean of the Xi elements and n the size of the population. Use this mode if the data represents the entire population.

  • scope (Optional[Scope]) – The scope of the aggregation. When None is specified, the natural aggregation scope is used: it contains all the data in the cube which coordinates match the ones of the currently evaluated member.

Return type
