Python version support

atoti follows NEP 29. atoti 0.6.4 thus supports Python 3.7.1 and above.


You can get help on Gitter, GitHub, or by email.

Pick one way to install atoti:

Python package

atoti is available as a Python package on the public PyPI repository and can thus be installed with Python package managers such as pip or Poetry.

Install atoti and its JupyterLab extension:

pip install atoti[jupyterlab]

Installing graphviz is also recommended as it can be used to display the schema of an atoti session.

Conda package

Install Miniconda 64-bit or Anaconda 64-bit.


Conda 64-bit is required since recent versions of some packages are not available with Conda 32-bit.

Add the conda-forge channel:

conda config --add channels conda-forge

Add the atoti channel:

conda config --add channels

Create a new Conda environment:

conda create --name atoti

Activate it:

conda activate atoti

Install atoti and its JupyterLab extension:

conda install atoti atoti-jupyterlab python