Atoti+ Conda package

1. Install Conda


Conda 64-bit is required since recent versions of some packages are not available with Conda 32-bit.

Install Miniconda 64-bit (recommended) or Anaconda 64-bit.

2. Set up conda-forge channel

Add the conda-forge channel:

conda config --add channels conda-forge

3. Set up atoti channel

Add the Atoti+ channel to your Conda configuration, replacing {{username}} and {{password}} with your credentials (escape them with percent-encoding reserved characters if they contain special characters).

conda config --add channels https://{{username}}:{{password}}

4. Create a new Conda environment

Create a new Conda environment and activate it:

conda create --name atoti
conda activate atoti

5. Install Atoti+ and its JupyterLab extension

Install Atoti+ and its companion packages:

conda install atoti-plus atoti-jupyterlab python