atoti.config package


atoti.config.parsing module

Config parsing error.

exception atoti.config.parsing.ConfigParsingError(message, parsed_object=None)

Bases: ValueError

Error raised when the parsing of the config failed.

Module contents

Session configuration.

class atoti.config.SessionConfiguration(inherit, port, url_pattern, metadata_db, roles, authentication, sampling_mode, max_memory, java_args)

Bases: atoti._serialization_utils.FromDict, atoti.config._utils.Mergeable

Configuration of the session.

authentication: Optional[Auth] = None
inherit: bool = None
java_args: Optional[Collection[str]] = None
max_memory: Optional[str] = None
metadata_db: Optional[str] = None
port: Optional[int] = None
roles: Optional[Collection[Role]] = None
sampling_mode: Optional[SamplingMode] = None
url_pattern: Optional[str] = None
atoti.config.create_config(*, inherit=True, port=None, url_pattern=None, metadata_db=None, roles=None, authentication=None, sampling_mode=None, max_memory=None, java_args=None)

Create a configuration.

  • inherit (bool) – Whether this config should be merged with the default config if it exists.

  • port (Optional[int]) – The port on which the session will be exposed. Defaults to a random available port.

  • url_pattern (Optional[str]) – The pattern of the public URL of the session. The {host} and {port} placeholders will be replaced with, respectively, the actual host address and port number. If None, defaults to http://localhost:{port}.

  • metadata_db (Optional[str]) – The description of the database where the session’s metadata will be stored. It is the path to a file, which will be created if needed.

  • roles (Optional[Collection[Role]]) – The roles and their restrictions.

  • authentication (Optional[Auth]) – The authentication used by the server.

  • sampling_mode (Optional[SamplingMode]) –

    The sampling mode describing how files are loaded into the stores. It’s faster to build the data model when only part of the data is loaded.

    Modes are available in atoti.sampling.

    If atoti.sampling.FULL isn’t passed, call load_all_data() to load everything once the model definition is done.

  • max_memory (Optional[str]) – Max memory allocated to each session. Actually sets the -Xmx JVM parameter. The format is a string containing a number followed by a unit among G, M and K. For instance: 64G. Defaults to the JVM default memory which is 25% of the machine memory.

  • java_args (Optional[Collection[str]]) – Collection of additional arguments to pass to the Java process. For instance: ["-verbose:gc", "-Xms1g", "-XX:+UseG1GC"].

Return type


atoti.config.create_role(name, *, restrictions=None)

Create a role with the given restrictions.

Return type


class atoti.config.Auth0Authentication(issuer=None, audience=None, client_id=None, client_secret=None, role_mapping=<factory>)

Bases: atoti.config._auth.Auth, atoti.config._utils.Mergeable

Auth0 authentication.

audience: Optional[str] = None
client_id: Optional[str] = None
client_secret: Optional[str] = None
issuer: Optional[str] = None
role_mapping: Mapping[str, Collection[str]] = None
class atoti.config.BasicUser(name, password, roles=<factory>)

Bases: atoti._serialization_utils.FromDict

Basic user with roles.

name: str = None
password: str = None
roles: Collection[str] = None
class atoti.config.BasicAuthentication(users, realm=None)

Bases: atoti.config._auth.Auth, atoti.config._utils.Mergeable

Basic authentication.

  • users (Collection[BasicUser]) – The list of users that can authenticate against the session.

  • realm (Optional[str]) – The realm describing the protected area. Different realms can be used to isolate sessions running on the same domain (regardless of the port). The realm will also be displayed by the browser when prompting for credentials. Defaults to f"{session_name} atoti session at {session_id}".

realm: Optional[str] = None
users: Collection[BasicUser] = None